Monday, January 17, 2011

so simple...

The time is always right to do the right thing. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.~


Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

So simple, yet so true.
have a wonderful evening.

M.A. the 2nd ~ Frances Russell said...

This is so beautiful and so true! Happy New Year to you dear friend and I love your website .... it is gorgeous..
best wishes

Haven and Home said...

Amen amen! Such a beautiful quote!

I Dream Of said...

So timeless and beautiful. Love you friend. I'm off to North Carolina. XO

Renae Moore said...

Those words are truth aren't they?
Wish I was there to help you with your projects!

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Love it! :) Rachel

French Farmhouse 425

koralee said...


Your Valentine Window is up!!!! I love Vanlentine's Day....oh now I want to come see...I will be thinking about it all day long. Hugs. xoxo

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

Beautiful. And so true.
