Thursday, April 19, 2012

piles of fabric spun into golden pillows...

i think red ticking is one big fairy tale... a dream come true...

image red ticking


Privet and Holly said...

: ) !!!

Pillows = happiness,
especially when there
is sunny fabric involved!

Happy Weekend,
xo Suzanne

I Dream Of said...

Yes it is! Looking forward to seeing your sunny new friends! They waved to me from the window as I drove by this evening. XO

Kaari Marie said...

Hi Pam-

I wasn't sure how to write to you, but wanted to let you know about an amazing workshop - coming to Seattle!
Just in case you have any textile loving friends that might want to experience a woad workshop. This is an amazing workshop for anyone interested in color, fibers or textiles!

May 12th and 13th

Hope all is well!



Vintage Home said...

fabulous print on the first!
Hope to make it to your store soon!

Renée Finberg said...


i am so happy for you
and your shop!!!


A Perfect Gray said...

where you be, little lady? working on shop and sister's project? just thinking of you and hoping you are well and having fun! donna