Friday, February 17, 2012

rest in peace...

our darling friend phillip passed away... he went too soon...
he will always be in our hearts...

we love you.


Splenderosa said...

Hello sweet friend...I can feel your pain & distress. Just know he has completed his life here & will be embarking on a serene new adventure as the universe never gives anything up, it just moves it around.

A Perfect Gray said...

love to you and yours, pam. thinking of you - donna

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

So sorry to learn this sad news, Pam. He is in God's hands now.

helen tilston said...

Hello Pam

So sorry to hear of the death of your friend. May he rest in peace.

The enchanted home said...

Sorry to hear that your friend has gone. Sending you a hug and prayer.

24 Corners said...

Oh Pam, I'm so sorry. Sending much love to you and all those who knew your dear friend.
Praying God's comfort and strength...
xo Jessica

Ivy Lane said...

Pam, I am very sorry for your loss...Prayers to his loved ones and to you as well.... Time does help heal..hold tight to the memories...

Millie said...

You've had a rough year sweet girl. Celebrate all that he was & all that he meant to you.
Millie xx

Francine Gardner said...

I feel for your pain. I often think of death, the deep sadness for the ones we loose and the emptiness left in our lives. I am sending good thoughts, prayers and love your way.
xo Francine