then i move on to organizing and sorting my home which can be so difficult at times... i want to have everything in order... i want projects completed and to just be at peace with it all... does anyone else ever feel this way? sometimes i feel as though i can never catch up... and i am in awe of all of you with children... truly ...
and so many more... i think i am going to paint my ceiling white...
Hi Pam,
I know just how you feel. I cleaned my house yesterday and we did the garden so, I now feel great. It's such a lovely feeling when everything is right although, it doesn't last long !!
....and, what a beautiful image from your friend Mari's blog. I think that I must check her blog out as it looks as if she has similar taste to me.
Glad the sun's shining for you Pam. After a week of rain here, the sun hs come back this week. XXXX
I adore that image and everytime i see it, it makes me want to re do my linen closet.
Hope you are well.
ness xx
i hear ya as i am right with you in spirit
All the time! There doesn't seem to be enough time in each day.
I hope that your week is off to a great start. Pam.
I do understand what you mean. I think I spend half my time wanting to be perfectly organized in every way and the other half trying to achieve it with plans and lists. In the end, I'm never as organized as I want to be. It's a vicious cycle! :)
P.S. I think I WILL blame it on the kids. *wink*
I am drooling over your productive day! I love organizing... No matter how much we do, there is always something more it seems. I need to get out and do some harvesting in my overgrown potager today.
Hoping for sun. xo ebh
Staying organized is true Sisyphus work - there seems to be no end to it.
I can never seem to catch up either helps to have a party or relatives coming to stay...that puts me into high gear and I find myself clieaning drawers they'll never even see...kind of silly, but I end up with cleaned out drawers & closets!
Mari's blog is beautifully inspiring for getting things tidied up and the best possible way...reminded me of Tricia Foley a bit.
Happy sprucing...
xo J~
If my cupboard looked like that I would be so inspired to clean ...... or just keep that pretty looking cupboard organized. Gotta go and vacuum !!
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