i love really good food. dean and deluca, joans on third, ina, jamie oliver, restaurants, cookbooks, cooking, baking you name it. now... i am out of control with a new blog i found. www.lottieanddoof.com. if you love food, you will love the blog and begin whipping things up immediately... (as i did at 8:30 the other night when i discovered it!) first on the list, the best oatmeal cookies what are some of your favorite recipes, restaurants or food tips?
Whatever that chocolate thing is on top, I want it. Even though I ate cake for lunch and Sixlets for dinner.
fave...i cannot believe i found someone who knows what sixlets are! childhood memories - every road trip with my family and halloween...
Great blog!!
I just found that blog too, love food blogs, except they always make me hungry.
Enjoying your blog!
Oh my! That top photo is amazing!!!
I think I have the world's biggest sweet tooth and I am dying for those yummy looking caramel/chocolate/salt treats!
OH! Each one of those delectable images pulled me right in. Divine!
I am a foodie too!
thanks again for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm so glad I found you site. back soon!
I don't know what that first gooey thing is but it looks delicious and I'd love a bite right now. Chocolate...caramel...yum!
my favorite recipes are listed here
Love Dean & Deluca,
If you love lottie & doof, try Hot off the Garlic press, love that food blog too
Thanks for the tip off, lovely to have such a great recommendation - the blog looks great! Happy cooking!
Millie ^_^
Those pics are divine - Seattle desparately needs it's own Joan's on Third!
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