Sunday, September 30, 2012

fall harvest...

well it has been quite a summer... a wonderful one... full of love, laughter, work and always learning...
i apologize for my absence...i am juggling quite alot now as we all are and had to take a bit of a break.

fall is here and full of abundant possibilities... today was glorious and i hope you all are doing well and loving life... so much to share with you and will do as things progress..

apples... truly one of Gods greatest gifts.. enjoy.


A Perfect Gray said...

so wonderful to have you back pam. hope all is going well...working on your sister's place? welcome home to us! donna

red ticking said...

hi donna...
have so missed you... yes, working on karen's house... 8 months and on the home stretch... wow has it been a ride but a good one... bumps in the road as always but amazing to spend so much time with her and being in colorado... updates soon!
and hoping your summer was amazing... ??? lets catch up... want to hear all about it! much love friend...xx

Alyson | New England Living said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words! Your blog looks fabulous and I will be following! :) Hope you are having a lovely fall!

for the love of a house said...

happy fall Donna!

24 Corners said...

Welcome back Pammi...I've been missing you and thinking of you also, and your comment was so sweet...I always know that your near too, even though we haven't had the time to see each other. Hopefully, we can make something happen now. I was out of the loop too for a happens, doesn't it?!
I'm so loving this ever, wearing capri's and espadrilles today...not a sweater, boots, and scarf!
Hope all's well at Karen's...and of course, at RT! ♥
xoxo J~