Sunday, May 20, 2012

simple things in life...

my first bloom of gertrude jekyll by my bedside... heavenly to fall asleep to... heaven to wake to.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pam. So...I am a bit of a snob about old roses...but Gertrude is INCREDIBLE. She is one of David Austin's best modern "old roses". Thanks for your Aspen tree story! It is just need to follow your heart on these things! Trish

annechovie said...

Beyond gorgeous, Pam! Love that rose. My mom used to grow those. Hope you are well. Have a great week. xo

Renée Finberg said...

and i bet it smells yummy too.

miss you xxx

Paula said...

Paula x

24 Corners said...

Look at that color...a lovely one to wake up to!!!
The roses are getting a good drink today aren't they?!
xo J~

Vintage Home said...

So very sweet of you to drop by! Yes we are getting very excited about the Scout Market! We DO have fun, as you said, so nice to meet everyone!
Hoping for sun...and a trip to your wonderful store soon!

It's me said...

Beautiful....thanks for your visit on my blog

Kathy said...

Hello Pam, I love placing fragrant flowers at my bedside - definitely heavenly to sleep to and to wake to. I have enjoyed strolling through your blog and am your newest follower,

vicki archer said...

Pam... Totally heaven and heavenly.... xv

pve design said...

wish you were here to see my roses.
once a year, always a thrill when they blossom.