Wednesday, December 7, 2011

pure genius...

there is not a day that has gone by this holiday season that we do not hear... time and time again...

"just had to come in... your windows are amazing"

well, we say thank you and tell everyone we have the most amazing talent
her name .... katarina house.

she and i have been friends for years.. we have such an true sense of one another. we have mutual
respect, admiration, trust and gratitude....

she is the pure genius behind red ticking this season...

thank you katarina... you are one special woman. and true blue. xx

image red ticking


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Wish I could come and see your windows and stock in person!!

Have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Pam,
It must be so lovely to hear your customers say that. It makes all of the hard work worthwhile.
Katarina is obviously one in a million.
Hope you are well Pam and enjoying the run up to Christmas. XXXX

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Katarina's work in person. What a nice post!

Ivy Lane said...

Isn't it wonderful to have great people with the same vision on your team. Such a nice post/tribute to Katarina!

Wish I lived closer and could see your shop! Sounds amazing!

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

It is rare to have such a talented and dedicated helper. Lucky you, Pam!