Tuesday, February 1, 2011


after you have had one of those days... don't you just want to go home and crawl into bed?

image living etc..


24 Corners said...

Yes....hope you're able to get to your comfy and cozy bed soon...tomorrow will be better. ♥
xo J~

(have a pop-tart in bed for an extra dose of comfort)

Karena said...

Oh yes absolutely,and read something good, I am on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

You can also cheer up...Be sure to enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa!

Art by Karena

Anonymous said...

aaahhhh!!! i love home! it is our safe haven! thanks for stopping by and leaving those sweet comments! it was so nice to hear from you! i cant wait to peek around your blog! hope you visit again soon!

Anonymous said...

There, there!

Ivy Lane said...

yes.. but the fire must be goin' "snap, crackle, pop" before I crawl into bed!!!!
Hope your day is better tomorrow!!!

I Dream Of said...

Oh yes, dear. It was one of those days, and I wish I was there right now! Hope you are cozyed up with some nice libeco linen sheets and a good book. XXOXO

Unknown said...

absolutely!!! And some days, it's hard to get up! :)

Unknown said...

Yes! I totally agree. Some mornings after I make my bed (and I always make my bed), I have to wave goodbye until the evening! And its such bitter parting!

Global Atelier said...

This is such a spectacular image. I especially love the black & white photograph - it looks like a photo of Gandi. Wish I could find one that was similar!

brock street said...

yes, i hear ya on that one. this room wouldn't be so bad to crash in either.

Unknown said...

Red Ticking, thank you for becoming a follower on my blog. This is still new to me but your blog is one that I really admire. So glad to have you on board!

Anonymous said...

I've just got in from work, made a cup of tea and saw your blog post and it's put me in the mood to crawl into my own bed and dream sweet dreans! Thank you :)

Stitchfork said...

Don't we all have some of those pull-the-covers-over-the-head moments?! Happy you liked your towel! Drop me a line.
Hugs from the stormy eastern US.
xo Cathy

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Yes, Yes I do...right after I watch my soap "All my Children" LOL. I must admit I watch soaps...at night.
Everything is always better in the morning.
Big hugs, Elizabeth

koralee said...

I hear you my friend....xoxoxo

Renée Finberg said...

oh yes.
this is how i am feeling.

it is perrrrrrfect.

pve design said...

find peace with a
nap or nourishment.
my mother taught me that both were the perfect remedy to restore peace in one's world.
it works for babies, should work for us too :)

Cobalt Violet said...

I have been contemplating painting my living room white and i think this seals the deal. so peaceful.