Wednesday, December 15, 2010

i've been nice...

santa... will this fit down the chimney?

photo axel vervoordt


Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Oh wouldn't that be the simple look of that photo...thats my problem...I never know when to stop!!!

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

That proves that we all need to sell everything we have and start over. Of course we would never do that, but we could narrow it down. Just gorgeous. do you want the painting or the sofa or all of it? I love his work!
Have a nice evening.

Irene ~ RE~VINTAGED said...

Santa is a very clever fellow....
I've known him to transport trampolines, swimming pools, bikes etc down all sorts of chimmneys!
You never know...... {wink}

I Dream Of said...

I think Santa should be able to figure it out, right? XO j.

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Where There's a Will There's a Way! ha ha

Every time I look at your beautiful header with those stacks of fabric, I want to dig in to it and start sewing. But, if all of that belonged to me, my hand, holding the scissors, would be paralyzed! Too pretty to cut! Sometimes I have a problem actually using the fabric that I buy...I wonder if there is a 12 step program for that?


24 Corners said...

Oh Pam, I just saw that you ill...I'm so sorry, been away from blogworld for a bit...hope your starting to feel better.

This would be a great sofa to recover on...

Love & healing,
xo J~

Renée Finberg said...

the sofa is so cushy.
i love it.


TT said...

That one is definitely a dream. Doesn't fit in our boat though..

Beautiful blog you've go there!