Sunday, September 26, 2010


one of my favorite things to do is hit the farmer's market saturday mornings. if i didn't own red ticking, i would be in the food business. sometimes i wish i could do both. the passion is very similar.
my love for these beauties...unreal.

my friend renee, owner of the wonderful boat street cafe in seattle, introduced me to "billy's tomatoes" and now, as most, i am hooked. the tomatoes are unlike any you will ever eat.
we also purchased flats of strawberries and made homemade jam.
fall rocks... and so does billy.

photos red ticking


Dumbwit Tellher said...

Hi Pam; Very sorry for my absence / :

I hope all is super in Seattle? Your photos are gorgeous; Billy's tomatoes are like a work of art. Makes me remember picking strawberries for a summer job outside of Granite Falls. Hard work & having to ride an old, hot bus out to the fields from Snohomish. Those good ole memories. Wishing you a lovely Sunday evening!! xo deb

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

Oh my goodness, the produce looks so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing.

When I was growing up my Granny would pick me up at 5:30 in the morning each Saturday to go to the local farmer's market. I am certain that i was the only child there, from what I can remember. I learned so much during those trips, and knew each person by name and produce. I to the day get up and go to the farmers market with my daughter (when she is not off at school) at the crack of dawn. Also, thank you so much for your nice comment!

Ivy Lane said...

there's nothing like homemade sauce from home grown tomatoes... and strawberry jam!!! YUM!!! to get the essence of summer on toast, bagel.... in the winter... priceless! love the photos!!

24 Corners said...

Pam...which Farmers market did you go to, Edmonds, Ballard...everything looks beautiful & yummy! We usually go to the Lk. Forest one at Third Place, it's a Sun. only one though.

What's your week like??
xo J~

Francine Gardner said...

We just had a wonderful lunch with out garden tomatoes and vegetables...a little olive oil, basi, balsamic vinegar and "fleur de sel", just a perfect combination.
Your photos are so beautiful! As for the food business...I owned a bakery in Boston for a few years and between temperamental french chefs, demanding clients....I am much happier in the furniture business, bu kept my sweet tooth

annechovie said...

Those tomatoes look amazing, Pam. Hope you have a great week! xo

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

~*Thanks for the info..Im live in Seattle and will have to go sometime~* ;)Rachel

Millie said...

The possums ate all MOTH's tomato crop last year, I hope they enoyed them, 'cos we sure didn't! These look amazing Pam, you are lucky to have them on your doorstep.
Millie ^_^

red ticking said...

hi deb... so happy to hear from you... love your story...

teresa... love yours as well... i love meeting everyone... and now i know alot of them by name..

ivy... that is what i am doing... sauce and jam... it is like a gift opening in dec or jan... hope you are well...

j - university market... the very best... truly. must go.
i am a bit nuts as my shipment arrives but lets figure it out... soon.

francine... yum... and anything with fleur de sel is amazing in my book...
what bakery did you own? i use to live in seattle! when were you there??

koralee said...

Stunning images my friend...I agree produce is so pretty.

Hope all is well down your way...hugs.

Lylah Ledner said...

thank you for your kinds words and encouragement over where i blog :-)

i have yet to visit first time today and so glad i have....farming is a ton of wonderful work and when i have those spots to drink french press and slow down....i will come here for your beauty pauses....

LOVE the market garden post. we've been selling at the farmer's market since mid july and LOVE it. actually we've brought a little French inspired style to our vendor spot and it's been a huge drawing to women who need a life beauty pause.

xoxo lylah

24 Corners said...

Sounds good Pam...can't wait! xo

Catherine said...

They look delicious! Going to the Farmer's Market is always so exciting. I just love the beauty of all the produce and the inspiration they bring.

Aprendeconvale said...

Lovely pics, I do also love photographing vegetables at my weekly market!!!