i know the time is drawing near... i have had impeccable vision my whole life and i now find myself doing the squint thing that i have seen others do and thought "oh i am so glad that is not me"... well, my friends... i might be in "readerville" specs soon... hhhmmmm i can't do the drugstore thing... and when do you actually know you REALLY need them? somedays i am fine... others not so good... went to visit my eye dr and she says i am fine.. "pick up some readers if you need them" i try them on and i see double... ???
i think my mind is going as well... i could not remember where i found the photo and
I'm in EXACTLY EXACTLY the same place. Except I haven't visited the eye doctor yet. This selection makes me think it isn't so bad, though. Some of these are really fun!
Hey Pam
Well I am in need of a optometrist visit soon!! I had perfect vision till my 20's.... then.. the dreaded glasses.. short sighted.. only one in family... Now I have the opposite problem ....and have to take my glasses off to read.. a lot of looking under the rim going on...
I've been thinking about laser treatment.. but too chicken.!!! I hope you find a swish pair... xxx Julie
I just picked up my new glasses from the optometrist yesterday. They take a bit of getting used to but I love the Tommy Hilfiger frames, black with a hint of white. Choosing them was almost as much fun as choosing a paint colour:o)
Hope you find a solution to the squinting.
I've worn glasses since my early 20's for reading, but now am starting to struggle with just looking. I need to pay a visit to the eye doctor too and see what's next. I do love my current Prada frames,which I managed to pick up on special, but they are falling apart since I trod on them - because I didn't see I'd left them on the floor?!
It's not so bad.
Oh - I love this post . . . nice photo by the way!!
Ok - I am going to be brutally honest . . . let me see :) It all happens very fast :) . . . and it really doesn't matter whether you spend a bunch of money on a cool pair from Kate Spade w/ perscription (which I bought and absolutely Loved) or if you buy the ones in cute shops for a bit less (which I also bought and Loved) You will no doubt lose every single pair!! Really - I am serious . . . except of course for those ones you don't really like so well (the ones that you bought at the drug store - and they weren't very cute - but you needed them that day) Well my friend . . . the last pair are the ones I am wearing right now as I type this post. . . the ugly ones - because all the rest of them have run off with the other socks!!
so in conclusion . . . buy lots and lots of really cutes ones!! :) xoxo - liz
ps - stopped by on Monday - forgot you were closed - I will stop in soon - would love to catch up!
Put cute glasses on.
IF you can read the Advil bottle, they are a must.
Happened to me at 40.
(Love your blog!)
Oh Pam, I feel your pain. All of a sudden, I found myself holding books, menus, labels... a little farther away, and tipping my head to one side! I tried readers from the drugstore, but UGH the headache I got from them! Go in and get prescription glasses! Since getting mine, the letters are back to non-blurry and my headaches are limited to things other than the wrong glasses. LOL.
I can't believe I peek over the rims like my MOTHER. haha.
Can't wait to see your new pretty glasses!
xo Isa
The readers did me for five years. I went from 1's to 3's in that time and just a few months ago finally had to go into real multi focals when my ophthalmologist said he wouldn't be a passenger in any car I drove!!!!
You can pick me out in any family photo as I'm the one with a pair of readers (1.50) on the top of my head...a pair of readers (2.0) on the end of my nose and another pair (2.0) tucked in the front of my shirt... At any given time during the day you can catch me with 2 pairs on my nose...NOW THAT's BAD! I started to notice that I could drive with the 1.50s and was wearing the 2.0s all the time and to do anything with any detail, I had two 2.0s riding on my nose. I finally swallowed my pride and went to the eye dr. and NOW I HAVE A PRESCRIPTION FOR BIFOCALS! Seriously? BiFocals! I'm going tomorrow to pick out my frames...and I'm not happy about it. So Tommy H. is cute huh? (heavy sigh)
So funny I went to some readers last spring, for menus, small small print.
They actually look pretty cute on! SO MANY FUNKY STYLES ARE OUT THERE!
I'm not there yet and for some reason, I feel that "readers" are the ultimate emblem of entering the "other side"...even if some of the ones out there are really cool and stylish.
I took that photo myself at Silver Lining Opticians in New York, http://habituallychic.blogspot.com/2010/05/chic-shades.html. I would appreciate a photography credit and a link back to my blog. Thanks!
I'm hanging on as long as possible....but everyone in my immediate family has already succumbed to glasses. Just wear them with attitude!!! Believe you look cool...and you will feel cool!
xo Elizabeth
Oh dear...that is what happened to me too!!! I now have at least 20 pairs all over the house...I really do hate it..at first I thought it was kinda cool..not so much any more...just a big pain. xoxoxo Happy weekend
My eyes took a turn the day I turned 40. It is comforting to know that readers are cheap AND get cuter every day! I have a pair in every room.
Oh yes...sorry to say! But you know what...there are so many super cute little readers out there (I know people are telling you this, but it's true) and I had to get my first pair about a year ago. My eye guy tried to talk me into bi-focal contacts and the though just made me queasy...so, I found an amazing pair of readers at Maxine's Floral (formerly Maxine's Pickety Patch) on Roosevelt, do you know it? Anyway...I love them!
I'm sure you're gonna look so cute in whatever you get...and the squinting will be a thing of the past unless you forget them...
xoxoxo J~
Oh cute glasses! Happy Saturday, xoxo alice
I remember that day well...
like you I always had perfect close up vision although I am quite near sighted. I remember being quite incredulous the day things began to go blurry! Some things are inevitable... sorry
Happened to me too. Seems like I went from having dozens of baby pacifiers laying around the house to now having dozens of "readers"
I love Eye Bobs! google it...you will like them too
xx kelley
Glasses do not make you look geeky or smart or .... wait a minute.. they do and you can read your own mail..
I'm in the same boat - and so is my husband! I did find a pair of funky reading glasses so that makes it a lot more fun. Unfortunately, the stylish options aren't really available to men as much so Mike had to get his readers at Target. He looks like his Dad (who's in his late 70's) when he wears them!
Poor Baby, so sorry. I have 'readers' all over my house, in the car, in my purse, by the bed. It's a bummer, can't read a thing without them. You probably got too strong a reader if you are seeing double!
It's not so bad and as you've shown, there are really some cute ones out there!
Part of me wants to do the lasik thing and then the other wants to sport dark sunglasses like some starlet.
I do love readers, they automatically make one look smart.
I wear them sometimes, more and more frequently. I love them because I don't have to squint. I really like the colorful brand they have at Pharmaca (I noticed they are on sale now). I buy pairs to match the rooms where I read -- one for the kitchen, bedroom, office.
My favorite pair I bought over at sturdevent's, but I think you can get them on line. They are called Restaurant Readers. They look classic, but the best thing is that they have little LED lights on each side of the glasses, so you can read in the dark! They have been so nice to have, especially when insomnia hits!
...well I have progressives (which I love) and I am sure you are not ready for them yet...but like everything else about maturing...embrace!..tee hee!
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