thanksgiving is fast approaching and it is always now when i wish november could stand still. i think it is one of my favorite months. everyone seems to get into the spirit of the holiday season making plans to be with family and friends and anxiously await the meal we wait all year for...
(why is that? i could eat it once a month!)
well we are in the thanksgiving mode at red ticking and i just love how this vignette came together.. the browns are just fabulous together. very fall... very thankful...
have a lovely weekend...
photo: ©2009 john granen
Beautiful vignette!
It's always so lovely to see a collection grouped together like that! ps: thanks for your kind words, appreciate it very much!
~Wonderful weekend & cheers to creativity!
Such a lovely vignette...
Wish you a fun weekend :)
Pam, thanks for the nice comments at Spice of Life. And what a discovery your own blog is; very well done indeed. Great taste abounds.
When I saw you ran a store in Seattle, I immediately thought of what neighborhood it would have to be in. Fremont? Madison Park? And sure enough: Madison Park! Needless to say: well chosen.
All the best,
Such a unique idea to group the bread boards all together! Looks great!
Thank you for dropping by and here is the address for the rental house:
It is also on The Provence Post blog, good luck! Lovely blog.
Looks beautiful, Pam. Nice to have a little speed bump on the way to that other holiday. Happy Thanksgiving, Trish
Great pic and Vignette. Will have to make the trip sometime to see your shop. Thanksgiving is the best!
Oh love this vignette, the boards and the little painting of a ship are just gorgeous. Had a look at some previous posts, you have an amazing store!
xxx DJ
This is a beautiful display!!! Thanks for commenting on my blog...sorry you couldn't open the video...go to Youtube and search "advent conspiracy" and you are right...that is the message! Can't wait to see what I find on your blog!
I love these lamps and cutting boards, hoards of which I passed on buying at flea markets in Brussels and Tongeren when I lived in Belgium last year, and which I especially regret having seen this beautiful collection.
Thanks for visiting Garvinweasel today and for your kind comments.
I love your blog! and signed up to follow. Good weekend!
I love those bread boards. I inherited a beautiful hand carved bread board from a great aunt when I was 20. At the time I had NO idea how precious it was. I used it constantly and irreverently and when it split in two I didn't think much of it.....until about five years ago I saw them in a similar vignette to yours and felt like crying at my youthful disregard. Oh the waste! Beautiful post and a beautiful blog. I really enjoyed my visit. Meredith xo.
Such a perfect time of the year!
Love your collection.
I just love vintage cutting and bread boards! Great display
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