Friday, May 22, 2009

sucker with a vision...

i do admit... i love the lost pieces that no one else wants to buy. i find myself falling for them quickly.. and realizing that i can give them new life. i always buy in pairs but when i find pieces like these, i cannot pass them up. where is their mate? why didn't someone want the other?? well someone, at one time had loved them.. and now i will.                                                           have a wonderful weekend everyone... 


London Calling said...

These are wonderful. Look forward to the after shots too. Thank you for your kind words. Smiles,LC

Julie@beingRUBY said...

I'm keen to see their new life! Can you make me a new life too? The difference being you would need to remove same wadding!(smile)

Viera said...

Love your treasures. 3th one is just perfect.
Thanks for stoping by my blog.
Have a wonderful weekend

vicki archer said...

'Lost sheep' are always the best - look forward to seeing the results. Enjoy the weekend, xv.

Boxwood Terrace said...

Unrealized potential always gets me too!

Kellie Collis said...

What a beautiful nature you have!!

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing them blossom from your love and attention!

Anonymous said...

There is something wonderful about rescuing unloved and uncared for furniture.
Vision is a wonderful thing....

red ticking said...

lovely thoughts from all of you... yes, red ticking to the rescue!!!!

My Galveston Cottage said...

You are a girl after my own heart! Our store -- The Green Plum in Salida, Colorado, sells revitalized old souls. Do you have a Web site..? Would love to see your shop -- from afar. Thanks for your comment, and stop in when you return to Colorado. cheers, -susan