i am so humbled that i have been given this award twice. the first time, i just could not decide what to say and could not do it... and so now... dear sarah and francine...(sarah klassen/haute design and francine gardner art de vivre) these are for you!
you are both incredibly talented and kind...
1) i love oreo cookies. always have, always will. when i was little, my dad used to tell me.. "i am going to come in one morning and wake you to find a giant oreo in this bed!".
2) i am very passionate. about most everything in life. my faith, my family, friends, gardening, antiquing, cheese, the ocean, music, roaring fires, and what i do.
3) i love restoration. i love finding the most wonderful antiques and vintage things (the older the better) and bringing them back to life. i work with amazing craftsmen who are as passionate so it is a remarkable process. (always saving patina! - just a new seat or what it needs to live on...)
4) i am a total foodie. i dream of going to cooking school... i have complete appreciation for chef's and anyone in the food industry.
5) i love anything french. food, furniture, fabric, the language, the architecture...
6) i am a true sleeper. i love my bed...
7) easter is my favorite holiday. the true meaning of it and celebrating with family and friends...
now... the hard part. i love so many blogs it is so difficult to select just 7.
i bestow this fun award to:
*cannelle et vanille
*the bedlem of beefy
*the style saloniste
*bottom of the ironing basket
and i had to add tartelette...
happy valentine's day everyone!!!
love one another.... xo