heather at habitually chic posted this fabulous home the other day and i cannot stop thinking about this lovely photo... as i garden this weekend i will dream of diving into the pool after tending the roses... have a wonderful weekend everyone! xx
photo douglas friedman
It's absolutely gorgeous..if only I could make my pool area look like that! Rachaelxx
Pretty darn perfect.
That would be an ideal spot to spend the weekend! Beautiful. xo
I am off to tend to my roses. My antiques english roses and my damask have been invaded by white flies...off to save them.
Have a great week end,
that is definitely poolside perfection! I too am hoping to get out in the garden beds tomorrow...today...rain...so it's cleaning day!
happy weekend!!!!
if anyone can finally come up with a remedy to fianlly get rid of afids and black spot...the world would be a better place...soapy water here you come!
I love the little pool house...I'll just live in there!
We ordered ladybugs to take care of all the aphids we had...lacewings are great too and can take care of themselves better than the lady bugs. I was always rescuing ladybugs from spiders and ants...yes ants! The ants farm the aphids for the sweet juice they produce...needless to say the ants didn't like the ladybugs messing up their little 'business' at all!
Happy gardening!
xo J~
That would definitely be a great place to spend the weekend!
My outdoor intruders right now are grass hoppers... I need to spread some Nolo bait...
love that space, want that pool
I was just thinking the same thing today, how I miss our pool in our last home, especially as it heats up here. Even if I didn't dip in much I love to look at a pool. Thank you for your kind comments today. XO
No doubt – this is the perfect backyard, Pam! Wishing you a wonderful weekend out in your garden :)
Isn't this just beautiful? I love it. Hope you are well and having a great weekend.
would love that pool! or any pool.
It looks so good, I could dive right in!!
Art by Karena
That pool and poolhouse is divine! Good luck with your gardening and enjoy the swim!
I have fallen in love with this photo as well!
Lieve groet, Madelief
I know, we could fight over it...
Well I could do with that pool, right now. Amazingly, we are experiencing really high temperatures here in the U.K. We tend not to go in for swimming pools here but. I wish I had one at this very minute !! XXXX
Oh, I so want to live there!
xoxo Beth
Your newest fan!
I am with you but I have to say that pool house with the lovely roof is calling my name too. I wonder what is inside? A studio would be at the top of my list or maybe a reading room...a winter room with a nice stone fireplace would be fab.
Many thanks for your very kind comment today...much appreciated:)
Beautiful pic, i love it!
Happy Sunday!
xoxo alice
ok, that is is perfection summed up in a photo. I dream of one day owning such a place in conjunction with some of my favourite friends? Could you imagine? heaven x
Given the heat, almost all pools look wonderful right now. However that is the perfect inspirational image I need for a client project. THANKS for posting.
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