they are the "big brothers" of the twins... (below)
grady and quinn have had sword fights with candy sticks, played hide and seek, shell hunts, and hot cocoa at the store... i love the visits... and their sweet mommie devin and daddy craig (not shown) are amazing parents..
and sweet carole... my side kick at red ticking is their sweet grandmother ... what an amazing family... i love them all.
Hi Pam! It's your old cubicle/travel pal from eons ago back in Andover! We saw each other a few seasons ago up at Brimfield. I found your card in my stuff a while back and just now looked you up, wow I love what you seem to have done with your business! Congrats to you! I am wondering if you are going to Brimfield next week? I'll be showing there for the first time; I'm in the New England Motel field, space 181 on Wednesday and Thursday with my "assistant"(aka 9 year old daughter Meredith who is thrilled to be playing hooky from school!). I carry vintage textiles and other related vintagey stuff, as well as furniture and other stuff that I rescue and revamp. I would love for you to stop by - it would be fun to say hi and catch up!
oh8e.... please email me at robinson_pamela@msn.com .. i will be t brimfield.
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