time flies... i cannot believe it has been a year since i began blogging. feb 2009. i remember people telling me to start a blog and i thought... what? how? who has time? .....
well this is a HUGE thank you to my dear friends who encouraged me to make it happen.
i would have missed learning so much this past year.... from all of your amazing talents.. and the friendships long lasting... i wish i could meet all of you in person.
and like my grams always said... "never slip up on an opportunity"... she is still part of me everyday and i miss her so much...
bless her heart... she guides me along from heaven.
image red ticking
photographed by john granen
Hey Sweetie. I was exactly the same as you. For the longest time I kept saying why in the world would anyone want to blog. I just didn't get it big time. Now I couldn't live without you guys. So love right back at ya'!!!
Hugs...Tracy :)
I feel exactly how you do about blogging! Isn't it amazing. I think everyone should join the blog world. The world would be a better place! I try to get everyone to start a blog! It has been a life changing experience for me, because of women like you!!! I love your blog! I wish I could live near your store. IT looks amazing!
Have a wonderful weekend! Congratulations!
Take Care,
Blogging ~ its taken us a bit to get it, not the same as having coffee at Starbucks...But, its given us the opportunity to share with others, especially with others that enjoy creating & decorating with junk and vintage treasures. We feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet and get to know some bloggers on a personal level too! Blessings, Glad & Cel/Junebug
Happy bloggy anniversary! xx
HI Pam
Happy Blog Anniversary... It's amazing what we discover about the world and ourselves through blogging and the wonderful people we meet along the way... Here's to another year of your beautiful posts to inspire us.. xx Julie
Blogland wouldn't be the same without you!
I am with Julie on that one...love the photo here...
Congratulations! Blogging has also changed me and the way I live. It has opened my eyes to so many new things! I truly enjoy your blog and look forward to many more fabulous posts!
Sarah :)
you are a dear ... I'm glad we're friends ...
gotta love those "gram" words of advice
hey btw ... is the fabric for sale in the photo ... please please let me know
Pam - so glad you're blogging so we can stay in touch. Love seeing shots of the shop and all of your wonderful pieces, feels like I'm still right around the corner.
Congratulations!! You have a wonderful blog and I enjoy reading it very much! Keep bloggin!
Congratulations. I enjoy your blog very much.
Congratulations! and I am so glad for you that you "slipped up on your opportunity"! I love that!!! I wish you continued success and most of all, that you continue to be inspired in your dream every day!
Wow!! Time flies when you are having fun doesn't it and blogging is so much fun. People that don't blog just don't get it. All of us creative hearts love bonding and talking about what we love to do and look at. I was the same way , it took me over a year before I took the plunge and it was done with a lot of pushing gently from friends and even family members, I am so glad I took the plunge. Did you ever read the article on my side bar by Sande on why we blog? If you get a chance take a look I think it articulates why we blog beautifully. Happy Sunday and I am glad you are blogging, love your blog,Kathysue
congrats...keep up the amazing blogging friend.
grams knows best, knowledge from her wonderful life of love and leaning.
Hi Pam,
It was great to get your message. I am in love with your blog!
I remember when I first started in March of last year...I thought, I wonder if anyone will even come by and read these ramblings of mine. lol It has been a gift in my life. Everytime I meet someone new, like you, I feel blesses. And the world just keeps getting smaller.
hugs to you from Idaho...
you have a very wonderful blog! congrats on your anniversary :)
Oh 13 months of loveliness here. So glad you joined the blogosphere. Wishing you a wonderful Spring and good things.
most delighted to have found you. your images are a real treat...I do so look forward to keeping up with you...!
hey..check out my blog... "tag".. you're one of the "Seven"!! :)
Thanks for stopping by and congrats to you.
Love your granny's words of wisdom.....
Happy blog anniversary, time flies when you are having bloggy fun! :)
Happy 13 months. I don't remember how I came to visit you the first time, but I remember that feeling of ahhhh.
Congrats to you! Well done on reaching this milestone my love!
Congratulations, Pam!
There is nothing like the blogging world...it's such a wonderful, interactive world. Thanks to blogging, I discovered you, John and your lovely store :) I can't wait to see you again...
Hope you've had a blessed weekend.
and a great blog,
AND a great shop you have too!
Pam, Happy Anniversary!! Isn't it great and such an accomplishment. I love your site and am now following.
Art by Karena
Happy blog anniversary! Blogging has opened up a whole new world for me!!
Yay for us that you started your incredible blog. You inspire me endlessly!! I'm coming up on my one year in May...time certainly does fly.
Congrats on this blog mile stone. I just started mine about 6 months ago, and can't believe it has been that long. Still feels completely new, and its so much fun, way more than I ever imagined.
congrats an the one year! and your blog is so beautiful always. Just had my one year too.looking forward to more beauty...
congrats, Karen
Pam ~ Your blog, your shop and you are an inspiration and we are all blessed to be able to read and see your world on a daily basis!
xo Jessica
Happy Bloggin Birthday!
Time does seem to creep past us in the blogging world.
Enjoy another year soon!
A belated but oh so warm Blogversary dear Pam! You know I think you & red ticking are truly gorgeous, I'm so happy you are happy - so we'll all happy!
Millie ^_^
Congratulations ... Love your blog and style
Hi Pam,
Happy one year!! Amazing. I knew you would be a great blogger.Bravo.
pop on over to my blog and say hi.
Happy,happy sunshine day,
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