let me please introduce you to my dear friend valerie paradiz phd.
she is one of the most incredible women i have ever met. we have been dear friends since we were little girls.
she has always been immensely talented in every way but i see her most valued talent (gift) is her complete generosity.
her sweet son elijah was born... with autism. this turned her world upside down....and directed her life long path into one of the most astonishing careers anyone could ask for.
her struggles and completely courageous efforts to raise him alone are beyond what most of us can imagine.
she is one of the very best mother's i know. she has helped elijah grow into the amazing man he is today...
she has written a wonderful book ..."elijah's cup". it is a brilliant read.
this month is autism awareness month... val is currently on a 7 week international city speaking tour... to read so much more about her and elijah go here http://www.valerieparadiz.com/
bravo val. you are a true blue.
Thank you for the link! I will be sure and visit! ~lulu
What a wonderful post.. and amazing woman Valerie must be.. The son of a good friend of mine is autistic.. i know just how much they dedicate their lives to their son and his education and personal growth so I comment Valerie on doing it alone.. I be sure to pop over via the link.. xx Julie
Thanks so much for the link...I have a friend who's daughter (they think) is autistic. Still in the process of diagnosing. I will pop on over there now!
Health and happiness,
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I enjoyed your blog very much too and signed up as a follower!!
Enjoy your day!
Lieve groet, Madelief
Our Grandson suffers from Asbergers ( a form of autism) so through our amazing daughter I know what she has to cope with. I did a post on our boy titled 'how proud am I' at the beginning of this month> I am off to visit now.
i have an autistic nephew.
and my sister in-law has her hands full, and she HAS a husband.
this is a daunting yet rewarding venture for your dear friend.
*did you know that autism and ADD or ADHD are on the same 'spectrum' of the same disorder?
xx i will visit her site
I think we have all been touched by autism-my best friends son has autism and through her efforts the first public school in Manhattan devoted to autistic children opened up two years ago--I will get the book. xxBarbara
thank you for sharing that; so inspiring
You are a dear friend to Val! I will go on her link...sending virtual hugs and prayers to keep her strong. What a lady!!! My friends are sponsoring an event tomorrow night to support the efforts for a cure for autism.
GO VALERIE GO!!! keep on keepin' on!!!
Very inspiring~ she must be an amazing woman...I will check it out!
I will definitely read. My MIL works with the special ed program within the public school district. It is a challenge, but rewarding to see these children flourish. Thanks for the intro. She sounds like an amazing woman!
Autism is affecting more and more children...there is a lot of research going on now and many discoveries being made about it. Praying it will be non-existent one of these days (soon).
I know a couple that are raising an autistic child, not an easy task, and for Valerie to have done it on her own is amazing and tells of her love and strength. I look forward to reading and giving her book, and will forward on her information.
What a special friend she has in you Pam...xo
As a mom to two amazing boys both on the spectrum *thanks* for helping to spread the word :)
I am so blessed to have had four children who were born without autism. You meet and read more and more children born with it than ever before. Valerie sounds like a remarkable woman, mother, writer and friend. It would be a honor to read her book. I noticed she's even coming to Texas. Thank you for introduction to your life-long friend. Hope you are doing well Pam? Sending ray's of sunshine your way. xx deb
Your friend's journey is remarkable. Thank you for sharing the book.
I am going to visit that link, a good friend of mine has a daughter with autism. Thanks for sharing. :)
I would love to have one signed for a dear friend. Her son is in the autism spectrum. She is one of the most wonderful mothers I know.
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