we have gorgeous day in seattle today... people out and about... happy again...
i thought we were all going to hop on the next bus, plane or boat to get the heck outta here...
thank you God... we really needed this ...
have a great day everyone... xo
glad it's a beautiful day for you! hope it stays that way.
have a happy day
We have rain, rain and more rain! Sigh!
HAHA, I was literally just thanking God for this lovely weather he has given us... there are plenty of wedding this weekend + so, they will be made perfect with this weather :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend, Pam!
nothing is more lovely than a sunny day in Seattle, I know as I lived there for twenty five years. I do not miss the rain but the beauty never ceases to amaze me. enjoy!
It makes such a difference when the sun shines, doesn't it ? I find myself singing in the car and it makes the day a 'good to be alive' day.
Enjoy your lovely weatherPam. XXXX
I hope you have a bright and sunny weekend!!
Art by Karena
Woo~Hoo! I hear you, we got a Sunny day today in Oregon as well.I just wasn't sure I could take just one more day of this rain.Ugh! I think it's here for a week or so. ~Enjoy Kim
Just enjoy!
Beautiful photo! Enjoy the sunshine!
Saturday was amazing!!!
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