when you lose someone you love, you are drawn to others you love for comfort.
i love my family.. old sweet friends... and thank you to all of you (my dear new friends)
for your amazing comments and emails... this has meant so much to me this week....
one of my true blues is my pal at brockstreet. he does my heart so good.
he is one of the most wonderful souls i have ever met. ever.
he just had a giveaway and i won this amazing bol. these are from france and they are my favorite things to collect...
(i wonder if b-mo peeked)
i will treasure his friendship and this bol... always.
image brockstreet
A great bol for your cafe au lait and to remind you of the great friendships you have! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I am so sorry for your loss. I hadn't checking in for a while, because my Mom has been in the hospital. We almost lost her, so I can only imagine what you and your friend's family are going through. Sending prayers your way.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment.
Sounds like you are having a hard time at the moment, so here are some {hugs} from the UK.
P.S. On a happier note, that bowl is divine. Adore the yellow hues of it.
True blue is he! That bowl is so so perfect! It is cheerful and french! It will remind you always how much you are loved because you are!
So so sorry about your great loss of a sweet friend.
I would love to find your sweet store...I just forget the address. Is it walking distance from Anthopologie? The girls and I will have no car and will be walking everywhere as my Husband and Son- in-law are off to a Mariners game. Hugs. xoxoxo
Cute picture! xoxo alice
the drawing was not rigged...it was meant to be and i hope the yellow in this little gem brightens your day as it has mine.
The bowl is VERY cheery, I hope it will remind you of sunnier days.
You are so so sweet...I would love to meet you but I am not sure of our plans. I know my husband is going to drop us off and my girls have some stores and places they want to go to. We are heading back home after the ball game so will not be staying the night.
Leave me know your address because on the way home if we have time....I will pop in..I know where University Village is..plus let me know what time you close your the store. Hope to see you. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Treasures from people you love are truly the best treasures:)
I'm so sorry Pam...we lost someone also not that long ago, who was very dear to us and very very young (37).
Remembering her lovely spirit will keep your dear friends memory a sweet one more than a sad one...it takes time though.
Praying for you and her family...
xxoo J~
Such a sweet post... sending some more virtual hugs and prayers your way!
Oh, Pam, I will pray for you today—how sad! xoxo
in the last four months my Mother and husband have passed away. at present i am just trying to get through the days and nights. every day gets a bit easier but you have to live through it, no other way, sad to say. God bless you and feel what you feel when you feel it, that is important.
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