one of my favorite people is ina garten.
i met her years ago and i admit, i was star struck...
her food is amazing and she is amazing.
she is as warm and friendly in person as she appears to be on her shows.
she continues to expand her business in the most successful way by being
a nice person and doing what she loves... it's that simple.
i carried her foods years ago when they first came out and then all the big guns in town
began to carry it all so i stopped.
well after at least weekly requests for bringing
her products back to the store, we finally did.
they continue to be one of the most popular items in red ticking and when
carol and i aren't taking the boxes home, they are flying off the shelves.
i am not surprised to hear this about Ina. She exudes warmth.
I adore her as well~ I have all of her cook books and tivo her show so that I can enjoy being inspired whenever I have time to sit and watch! What I wouldn't give for her new outbuilding/kitchen!
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