red ticking is officially 11 years old this month...
it began out of my apartment years ago...
i shuffled along (had no idea what i was doing or where it would go) and have had faith along the way trusting that this is where i was suppose to be.. then added the storefront (8 years)
a million changes since the build out of the space
many trials, errors and a bit of success thrown in...
i am so pleased that i am able to do what i love and yet have the freedom to enjoy my life.
now being a home owner, designer (still stumbling along and not falling quite as often...)
learning more than i could have ever imagined... and still growing daily...
i want to thank you all for your amazing kindness
and i will continue to work diligently at making red ticking
the best place to come when you need a lift...xx
images red ticking
only in seattle